Weight loss wearables

Study: Weight loss wearables most effective alongside intradisciplinary approach

A wearable device for losing weight may be helpful in weight loss or weight maintenance, but the best results can be achieved by using...
Talsam smart jewelry

Talsam: Smart Jewelry that Combines Technology and Fashion to Save Your Life

With all the wearable devices in the market, its hard to find the one that stands out. Talsam does just that. It isn’t just...
Therapy robot autism

This Therapy Robot Helps Children with Autism by Teaching Them Social Skills

Autism is a developmental disorder that appears in early childhood. It is the most common condition in a related constellation of disorders known as...
Ultra-sensitive e-skin

Ultra-Sensitive Electronic Skin Can Feel Touch and Temperature Changes

The University of Texas at Arlington (UTA) has obtained a patent for a smart skin, created by a UTA researcher, that will give robots...
Brain advantage wearable

Brain Advantage, The Wearable Device That May Improve Brain Performance

Our brain changes with age, and mental function changes along with it. Our brain’s neuroplasticity enables it to change for better or worse at...
Uv ray wearables

Stay Safe in the Sun: Smart Wearables to Monitor UV Radiation

The energy radiated by the sun comes in a wide range of wavelengths, most of which are not visible to our eyes. Sunlight is...