Wearables for workers

Life-Saving Wearable Devices that Boost Safety for Construction Workers

The construction industry ranks in first place when it comes to the number of fatal workplace injuries. In 2016, there were 991 deaths reported...
Wearables in factory

Majority of Manufacturing Facilities Will Adopt Wearable Technology in 5 Years

As wearables are becoming popular, their uses are also becoming diverse. Commercial use of wearables is on the rise. Wearable devices that were once...
ODG SAVED pilots

Augmented Reality Mask to Help Pilots Navigate with Smoke-Filled Cockpit

ODG, maker of extended reality smartglasses, has announced a prototype called SAVED™, which is the first-of-its-kind heads-up display (HUD) oxygen mask that incorporates ODG’s...
Kinetic REFLEX

Kinetic raises $4.5M for its Wearable REFLEX Aimed at Reducing Workplace Injuries

Kinetic, a NY-based company focused on developing wearables to reduce workplace injury, raised $4.5 seed fund for its wearable device called REFLEX. REFLEX is...
Mining wearables

Smart Equipment to Enable Hands-Free Mining in the Future

With increasing pressure faced by the mining companies, the mining industry is turning to digital solutions, especially wearable technology to improve the productivity and...
MATE exoskeleton

MATE Exoskeleton by Comau Boosts Workers’ Strength and Performance without Using Electric Power

Comau, a Turin, Italy-based technology and innovation company, has created MATE (muscular aiding tech exoskeleton), an exoskeleton designed for workers to enhance their strength...