Playr wearable Benjamin Hubert

Benjamin Hubert Designs Wearable Device to Track Performance of Aspiring Football Players

Benjamin Hubert of experience design agency Layer has designed Playr, a smart wearable that enables athletes to track performance, enhance their game, and compete...
US soccer statsports deal

U.S. Soccer Signs Over $1.5 Billion Wearables Deal With Irish Company STATSports

The U.S. Soccer Federation has struck a deal worth over $1.5 billion with Irish wearables company STATSports to provide monitoring devices for its 4...
Windows 10 for Oculus rift

Oculus Rift Now Requires Windows 10 For New Features

Windows 10 will soon be replaced with Windows 10 S. But still, it is the most popular OS among PC users and VR headset...
Smart home devices we use

Which Smart Home and Wearable Devices Are Consumers Actually Using?

Having a smart home can be really fun. You ask the lights to turn on and they turn on. Your voice assistant gives you...
3M breathing tracker

New Technology From 3M Monitors Breathing And Helps You Improve Respiratory Health

When it comes to healthy lifestyle, we often think about maintaining a good heart health, burning calories and losing weight, but we don’t usually...
Smartsole for children

GTX Corp Debuts SmartSole and Invisabelt GPS Trackers for Children

GTX Corp, an IoT platform and global provider of GPS tracking and monitoring wearable and wandering assistive technology, has released 2 new products: GPS...