Keep Moving – Wearable Devices for Passionate Sportspeople
Looking for cool wearables supporting you while doing sports? Then have a look at the companies introduced below. They are going to exhibit at...
Your chance to speak at the 5th Anniversary of the MEDICA MEDICINE + SPORTS...
The MEDICA MEDICINE + SPORTS CONFERENCE will celebrate its 5th anniversary on the 14th & 15th of November 2017 at MEDICA 2017 in Dusseldorf...
Wearables for Hiking in Winter
Hiking is great fun and with a bunch of friends it can be very entertaining. But hiking is also kind of a risky adventure too....
Wearable Sensors to Improve your Skiing Skills
Skiing is a sport with fun and adventure. Who doesn’t love snow and sliding on it? We are in middle of this year´s ski...
Sweet Valentine…
Today is the 14th of February, the official “love” day, or for some just another Tuesday. For the ones who are celebrating Valentines, we...
Wearable Highlights of ISPO tradeshow
The 11th edition of the Wearable Technologies Conference Europe is just over. The 2017 conference took again place in line with ISPO, the world´s...