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Wearable in manufacturing

How Wearable Technology Could Revolutionize Manufacturing Industry

The booming market of wearable technology comes in different forms – from fitness trackers and continuous glucose monitoring to smart clothes and contactless payment...
Focals AR glasses

Thalmic Labs Becomes ‘North,’ Launches ‘Focals’ Augmented Reality Smartglasses

Thalmic Labs changed its name to ‘North’ and has come up with a great idea to stop you from looking at your smartwatches every...
Wearable tech in restaurants

How Wearable Technology Can Transform the Restaurant Industry?

While wearable technology’s impact in fitness and healthcare is clearly visible, it is yet to make a firm imprint in the restaurant industry. From...
Empowered brain shipped

Brain Power Ships Empowered Brain, World’s First Smartglasses to Help People with Autism

Boston-based neurotechnology company Brain Power has shipped the first 60 units of its award-winning Empowered Brain™ smartglasses, and plans to ship successive rounds of...
Google glass AI

Google Glass Lives! It’s Back Now with Artificial Intelligence

Google’s discontinued AR glasses is about to come back to life with new features like Artificial Intelligence. Plataine, an Israeli software company demonstrated a...
Wearable tech in manufacturing

How Can Wearable Tech Boost Production?

Wearable devices have greatly affected the lives of average consumers. From health and fitness tracking to contactless payments, a ton of cool feature exists...