News Roundup – November 2014

The fashion community is again partnering with tech companies for strategic alliances or simply for the Christmas season. Coincidence? We don’t think so. However,...

Innovative Technologies – Interview with BodyCap’s CEO Sébastien Moussay

BodyCap is a french company with innovative solutions for elite sports and e-health. Shortly before speaking at the upcoming WT | Wearable Technologies Conference...

WT | Studio Talk: Night Train – Wearables for Sleep Analysis

Do you always wanted to know why you should measure sleep? Do you always wanted to know how Wearables can aid in analysing and improving your sleep? Wait no further! […]
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WTshow @ MEDICA – Impressions

The MEDICA started yesterday. The WTshow booth, presenting newest technologies and trends, is very busy, getting visitors from around the world. Exhibitors and the WT...

LIVE update from 18th WT | Wearable Technologies Conference Asia 2015

Welcome to the 18th WT | Wearable Technologies Conference in Asia for 2015! We kicked off the biggest Asian WT | Conference ever. More...

WT | Wearable Technologies is now cooperating with Lufthansa FlyingLab

Going on a business trip often means spending lots of time travelling by plane. Why not using this time more efficiently and starting to...