Organic & Printed Electronics Everywhere!

Today was the last day of LOPEC ( Large-area, Organic & Printed Electronics Convention) celebrated in Munich. The leading trade fair and the most important...

Walk on Smart Insoles: The Next Move in Activity Tracking

Insoles obviously provide benefits that can make standing, walking and running more comfortable and efficient. Moreover, insoles can be solution for pain relief from...

Best Types of Batteries for Wearables; an Interview with Dr. Manfred Leimkühler from Batteries...

WT | Wearable Technologies is currently working on a market assessment for batteries used in wearables. It is important to consider the chemical process,...

Spring is coming full of events!

Spring just started a few days ago and it is bringing with it (besides the joy of the good weather) some events that will...

Latest In Pregnancy Wearables

Pregnant women care more about what’s happening to their bodies in respect to how it affects their baby. This worry was the basis for the reason...

Basel what? Baselwatch, Baselbling, Baselsmart

Those are the three words that sum up Baselworld 2016.  The first day of the Baselworld fair was super, and the event isn't is half...