Smart Pills Will Change the Way We Take Medications

Drugs have long been used to enhance our health and extend lives. However, in many instances, it is very difficult to administer drugs to...

Fitness Trackers Without Plastic

Recently German consumer testing organization, Stiftung Warentest, published a report on fitness trackers. The organization tested 12 trackers – big brand names were featured...

News Roundup – March 2015

Unexpected and exciting news for wearable tech fans in this past month. It was a month full of events, Apple, Mobile World Congress and...

Baby Boom

The last time we reviewed wearable tech for newborns and pregnant women was in 2013 and  since then a lot of new baby wearables have...

The Trace of Wearables: First Class

In 2016, the phrase “Wearable Technology „ is becoming familiar to the public at large. We are now bombarded with many fitness trackers, smart...
Oxxiom pulse oximeter

True Wearables Now Shipping Oxxiom – World’s First Wireless, Continuous, Disposable Pulse Oximeter

True Wearables, Inc., a medical device start-up based in Orange County, CA, has started shipping its product Oxxiom, the world's first wireless, continuous, fully...