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Tag: Female health

Ava bracelet study

Ava Bracelet Can Detect Changes in Physiology and Predict Fertility: Study

A recent study published in the JMIR shows that Ava Bracelet, an ovulation tracking bracelet, can detect physiological changes in women and predict fertility....
Microneedle patch for contraception

Rapidly Separable Microneedle Patch Allows Women to Administer Birth Control Themselves

Women often do not have adequate access to contraception, and methods such as condoms have low acceptance and a high failure rate, mostly due...
Long Acting DIY Contraceptive Patch

Georgia Tech Researchers Develop Long-Acting Contraceptive Patch that Gives Women DIY Option for Birth...

Traditional methods or birth controls such as, pills and condoms usually have high failure rate, and that might be one of the reasons why...
Willow breast pump

Willow Adds New Features to its Breast Pump at CES 2019

Everyone was talking about the Willow breast pump when it debuted at the CES in 2017. This convenient and unobtrusive breast pump is quiet...
Bellabeat time

Bellabeat’s Time is a Hybrid Smartwatch that Also Predicts Your Stress

Since its founding in 2014, Bellabeat has manufactured many innovative and stylish products for women that have been designed to track their overall health...
Ava Claire Holt

Ava Fertility Tracker to Partners with Claire Holt to Promote Fertility, Pregnancy Awareness

Ava, a women’s health company based in Zurich and San Francisco partnered with actress Claire Holt on a year-long campaign to promote awareness around...