Meet the WT | Wearable Technologies Heroes of the Year!

Finalists of WT Innovation World Cup will show many world's first LIVE at the 14th WT | Wearable Technologies Conference on February 2, 2015 in...

IoT and M2M meet Wearables in Barcelona!

In less than a month WT | Wearable Technologies will be gathering the wearable ecosystem and related tech industries in Barcelona. Join us for the...

Waterproof Wearables are Approved by Swimmers

If you like swimming you are probably wondering why there are not many wearables waterproof enough to improve your trainings. It is a challenge...
Google coach assistant

Google Coach AI Assistant for Smartwatches May Help You Get in Shape

Google is working on a personal fitness and health assistant called Google Coach that recommends workouts and meal plans, according to a leaked report....

Wearable Tech Styling Tips

Gone was the time when one has to make a hard choice between functionality and fashion. The rapid development of technology has open many...
Wearable tech in restaurants

How Wearable Technology Can Transform the Restaurant Industry?

While wearable technology’s impact in fitness and healthcare is clearly visible, it is yet to make a firm imprint in the restaurant industry. From...